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Brief Update

May 28, 2012

I make all sorts of promises and then I never keep them. I promised a juicy post last week and ended up not posting at all.

I’m not going to make excuses. Last weekend just didn’t go as planned, that’s all. If I’m not keeping on schedule, it’s no one’s fault but my own.

Here’s a brief update:

1. Short story night last week was a success. I got a decent start on a story. It’ll need a complete rewrite in the second draft, but at least I don’t hate it.

2. I’ve decided to restart Mettle as my CampNaNoWriMo this year, which I’ve never done before, but it’s starting just as I’m finishing the rework of my outline, so I intend to take advantage of it.

3. I’ve set up a large whiteboard near where my desk is going to go and am slowly moving my Mettle outline over to it. I will be using it to keep track of not only the events of each chapter, but also the emotional journey of each character. Having six points of view is difficult to manage. I’ve posted a picture of the whiteboard, in progress. When I’m done, there will be two more green Post-It notes on each column (each green sticky represents a character’s emotional state in that chapter), and the last column will have general notes.

4. In the month of June, I plan on staying one night in a hotel, away from distractions and chores, over a weekend, by myself, and do nothing but work on Mettle.

I’m focusing on chores this weekend, so this is all you get.

From → General Advice

  1. awesome girl :3

  2. Sounds like a great plan!!! Good luck with the writing!

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